10 February 2012

garden friday | state of affairs

Today, my garden is gray. It's drizzly. But things are happening, the plants are happy (well most of them).

My garden is...

garden friday 10 Feb 2012
Sprouting | Tahitian Sunset rose

garden friday 10 Feb 2012
Frondy | Purple artichoke, take two (take one: here)

garden friday 10 Feb 2012
Happy | The label said kiwis are vigorous, I'm starting to believe it.
It's off to the races.

garden friday 10 Feb 2012
Fragrant | new Meyer lemon

garden friday 10 Feb 2012
Sweet & Tart | Kumquat... please oh please do well here. I love you so.

garden friday 10 Feb 2012
Scratchy | Claw-sharpening in preparation for all-day sun-bathing.
Cats, they have the life.

garden friday 10 Feb 2012
Broken | I really screwed the pooch this time. Bent an espaliered apple arm too far.
Damn, damn, damn. Set-back of one year, hopefully nothing worse.

garden friday 10 Feb 2012
Cranky | Or just a little grabby. Or maybe needs a haircut. Or maybe just has to poop.
Or all of the above.

Thank goodness for a nice cup of tea in a comfy chair. Have a great weekend!


  1. Gorgeous photos! I hope your kumquats are fantastic!


  2. LOL on the Cranky. Your garden is so awesome. I'm so glad you share it with us.

  3. I can't wait to hear how the kiwis do. Bummer about the espalier. Will it heal itself or is that trunk a goner?

    1. I think that branch has to be amputated. Actually, I'm sure is does, but I'm procrastinating :/ I'll have to re-grow that level this year and hold off on the 3rd tier until next year. Wahhh.


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