04 30 11 | stow lake glorious weather, beautiful day with Nancy and her sweet fam |
05 01 11 | flowers for moi from moi |
05 02 11 | when vegetables make bouquets bolted rapini: so pretty, who knew? |
05 03 11 | before just a lonely blueberry bush, some weeds and a very junior apple tree |
05 04 11 | after! my (mostly) california natives bed |
05 05 11 | harvested kale & peas my good friends |
05 06 11 | make this now springtime on a plate: fava bean, strawberry and pecorino salad || recipe from Incanto || (I added mint and served it on homegrown arugula) |
I love paddle boats. I make Josh paddle me all over hell and gone. I love it. It's one of my favorite things to do on a spring/summer/fall weekend.