29 November 2010

the turkey is two

Two years ago, on a beautiful sunny, crisp Fall day (much like today), this little man entered our world. Made us a Mama and a Dada, and oh so in awe of how it feels to love a little person so much.

jacky : two

First, we called you The Turkey (near-holiday due date), then it was Mister Man, then Jacky. Now YOU call yourself Baby Tacky.

jacky : two

You give sweet kisses to everyone and everything--pictures of puppies, your cousins' class photos, inanimate objects, vegetables, your new mama-made buddy (above)--AND you drive a mean (toy) jackhammer.

jacky : two

You are our precious, funny, smart and wonderful little guy. Happy Birthday Jacky!


10 November 2010

I baked beautiful triplets

...and I couldn't be prouder. My first naturally-leavened bread! 

And, let me tell you: this is some amazing bread. Hearty but light. Crispy and elastic. Very flavorful, but not overpowering. And so simple: flour, water, salt and seeds. And love.


I'm hooked. I will gladly keep tending my starter if it means the bread can keep coming. No problem.

seeded loaf
Tartine recipe for Seeded Wholegrain Loaf
seeded loaf
seedy and delicious
seeded loaf
homemade bread + goat cheese, herbs, S&P = perfect breakfast
seedy (loaf) breakfast
and what is Jacky's verdict?
seedy (loaf) breakfast
"more please!"

08 November 2010

02 November 2010

dreaming of bread

mmm, crusty

Somehow, between reading a couple of books about bread-making and tending a natural starter, I've gotten a little obsessed with trying to make good rustic bread. I'm talking actual dreams about bread starters. And, I don't seem to be the only one. At least everywhere I'm looking, bread is... well, hot. (Sorry. But, seriously, wasn't it ages ago that we were all so carb-ophobic? I like this much better.)

Anyway, by way of an update: as I mentioned previously, I started off with this book. Some loaves have come out beautifully, some just OK. All edible though! Especially with tonight's homemade butter. Can't really go wrong there.

But, I'm still looking for more flavor and the perfect juxtaposition of a tortured-looking crust, and delicate, moist interior. And more flavor. Which led to some other reading. Which led to my hoping to receive Tartine Bread for my birthday last week, courtesy of my long-distance brother. Who asked the actual author to drop a signed copy off at my house. Nice. Thanks again, Max. (And thanks, Chad, for making the walk up our hill.)

Onward with more reading and baking. I'll be baking my first naturally-leavened loaves this weekend. Can't wait.

mmm, crusty
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