10 November 2010

I baked beautiful triplets

...and I couldn't be prouder. My first naturally-leavened bread! 

And, let me tell you: this is some amazing bread. Hearty but light. Crispy and elastic. Very flavorful, but not overpowering. And so simple: flour, water, salt and seeds. And love.


I'm hooked. I will gladly keep tending my starter if it means the bread can keep coming. No problem.

seeded loaf
Tartine recipe for Seeded Wholegrain Loaf
seeded loaf
seedy and delicious
seeded loaf
homemade bread + goat cheese, herbs, S&P = perfect breakfast
seedy (loaf) breakfast
and what is Jacky's verdict?
seedy (loaf) breakfast
"more please!"


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