10 January 2011

holiday crafting: fair isle chicken family

baby chicks
May I introduce the Baby Chicks...

mama hen
who would like you to meet their Mama, Ms Hen.

fair isle chicken family
Most days, they hang out in their cozy nest and cuddle. You would too, if you were made of a sweater.

baby chicks with uncle baby doll
But if Mama Hen has a bunko date, sometimes Uncle Baby Doll comes by to babysit. No TV and no girls, Baby Doll.

i love chickens!
Mostly, they just endure squeezing, squawking and the occasional kiss fest. All wings are intact so far.


Chicken template (used for Mama Hen) from Martha. Baby chicks are scaled down to 60%, with combs and wattles omitted. 
Sweater material came from an enormous Fair Isle capelet that I adored, but just couldn't pull off. 
I like it much better as poultry pets! The nest was made from some twiggy, branchy stuff at Michael's, 
wound up in a circular pattern and secured with twig-looking wire ties.
Beautiful green baby blanket is from Kristen :)


  1. I love repurposed things... I only wish I could sew!

  2. I wish I could have seen this capelet!

    but i also really love these little chickies.

  3. ahhh so sweet love your website!


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