29 November 2011


Today is my sweet, busy boy's 3rd birthday! We have A THREE in the house. He can't quite make his fingers show the number, but on the inside, he knows he's getting into Big Boy Land, and he loves it. And we love him. More than words or photos can ever say. He is ours and we are so completely his.

* * * * * * * *

On his last day being two, I snapped a few of this busy little maker, engaged in one of his top tasks: "zesting" play-doh. Never knew you could zest the stuff, but shows what I know. It's a very serious business!


  1. OH my. THat last pic of the sweet boy... so reminds me of a certain Brownie picture from long ago.... catch my drift??? xoxo

  2. Happy Birthday, Jackie. Those photos totally cracked me up. I'm going to think of play-doh every time I use my microplane. Nice creative thinking.

    Have you ever made scented play-doh with Jackie? It's so fun and easy. Plus you will love using Kool-Aid. At least I do because my Mom (for good reason) would never let me have it and boy did I want it.

  3. How did he get to be three??? Wow. He is so sweet! Happy birthday Jacky!!

  4. happy birthday, jacky!!
    and happy birth day to you, mama...

    he is just so sweet and cute!
    his little face while he's concentrating on his zesting is beyond...

    love to you and your boy today...

  5. Happy day, little man! I can't get over what a mix he is of you two. And weird.....my kids just starting zesting their play-doh too! Never knew....

    And Desi, I wanted Kool-Aid more than ANYTHING when I was a kid (even twinkies and sugar cereal) because we weren't allowed. What is the allure of that stuff??

  6. happy birthday to your adorable little guy. I wanna zest some play dough!


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