19 July 2012

one of my (many) excuses for blog neglect...

Come see me and the 250+ other crafters and artists. I promise I might start posting again if you do ;)

Until P.R.L. (post-Renegade life)....


11 May 2012

garden friday | of plants and people








garden friday 05 11 12




garden friday 05 11 12

everyone has their favorite spot in the yard

People, how long can perfect weather last? It's starting to spoil us.

Have a wonderful weekend & Happy Mamas Day to everyone.

01 May 2012

round two: ding!

sooo... this has been happening. 14.5 weeks | due on my bday in late Oct!
via me, on Instagram
Hello! I recently got ID'd as prego by a stranger at the farmer's market, so it looks like it's time to go public. With the most subtle belly shot ever, no less ;)

So. Something I never thought I'd do was announce a pregnancy via social media. Never say never I guess. Next I'll be tweeting the birth. (Something else I swore was impossible! Actually, having gone through natural childbirth once already I can attest that tweeting while birthing is impossible. Heck, I'm not even sure I was aware of the existence of the internets while birthing.)

But here we are! Bébé #2 in the oven, clocking in at 14.5 weeks, due on my birthday (or thereabouts) in late October. Happy Birthday me! Actually, this due date is super sweet to me: it basically means my mom and I were/are carrying, birthing, nurturing a precious little one at the exact same time of year. I love stuff like that.

This pregnancy has been going smoothly. Showing MUCH earlier this time around. Feeling the baby move much earlier, since about a week ago. I had a week or two of feeling grossed out at night, but nothing too tough. Well, actually, it turns out it's harder expecting while taking care of another little one. DUH. Oh, the sleep I got the first time around. The naps, the leisure! The meeeee time.

Speaking of the first offspring, a funny/sweet story: We recently told Jacky the big news, but it was almost, like... a formality? He kind of already knew. Even before I knew, he was peppering me with questions about pregnant ladies... what they like, what they do, etc. (Me: Hmmm...?) Then, once it was go-time, he turned into "big-brother prepper." I found him in his closet pulling out out-grown clothes and shoes... you know, for when his new baby comes. He would finish up meals promptly, saying he had to be all done before his new baby comes. (We're working on the gestation timing aspect.) It kind of went on and on like that... which was amusing. Finally, we picked up the thread with him and confirmed about all this new baby business. He's super excited but continues to maintain his own theories about childbirth: "No, Mommy, the baby isn't in your tummy. The baby comes in the baby car seat!" Well, no one could call him anti-safety. We continue to work on the details :)

I was lax in the belly shot department last time around. I may have even taken just one shot--sad!--and it was the day before labor. Maxxximum belly! But, I didn't blog back then, and I guess working in an office gives you no end of attention? I admit I kind of miss that about "real job" life: the daily belly chats and kudos for well-played prego outfits. So, perhaps this time around I'll devote myself better to the belly shot task. It'll be a good fashion motivator, at least!

29 April 2012

garden friday | big sunny-day round-up

garden friday 04 27 12
the view from the deck off the bedrooms. oh, there are so many projects yet to be tackled, but I do love this yard.
It's very unruly this year, but it has possibility.

I love mornings like this past Friday's: sunny and happy. A quick, easy bagel breakfast with my guys, then I slip outside with still-damp shower hair for a little solo (well, plus kitty) time in the garden. Doesn't hurt that it's a beautiful, warm day. Sun-dried hair -- does it get much better?

With the alternating rain and sun (my favorite combo), there's a lot happening out back. Ready?

garden friday 04 27 12
starting to fill in everywhere

garden friday 04 27 12
peas & pablo. just look at those bedroom eyes. what a flirt.

garden friday 04 27 12
the peas and their pretty white bonnets. I'm trying a new variety this year, 'Sabre' from good old Renee's. They're a pretty short, tidy variety, but I have to admit I'm kind of missing my tall, high-climbing Laxton's Progress and Tall Telephone.

garden friday 04 27 12
greens bed: wee dino kale (remember this monster?), spinach & volunteer arugula

garden friday 04 27 12
new anti-kitty screens for the spaces between asparagus rows. I love that sweet kitty, but lately he's made it his job to get in there and wreak havoc. Toby built these to order and I adore them. And him :)

garden friday 04 27 12
Purple is the color of so many flowers, especially herb blooms. Have you noticed? I've inadvertently planted a very purple garden. I think bees must like purple, or see it very well.

garden friday 04 27 12
pretty purple sage blossoms. I started all this sage from a couple microscopic seeds a couple years back.

garden friday 04 27 12
purple rosemary blossoms.

garden friday 04 27 12
as for juicy edibles... the alpines are going nuts lately. between Jacky and me, they don't last a day once they go red.

garden friday 04 27 12
and the award for most forgiving plant goes to: 'prince consort' black currant. I kind of... forgot about this one in the garage for a while. It hung out in its shipping envelope for a loooong while. It happily sprouted a bit in the dark, and I finally planted it in the garden. Within about four days, it started growing like nuts. In possibly the most questionable spot in our yard (I read somewhere it just doesn't care). Go figure. Love plants like this!

garden friday 04 27 12
pretty black currant blossoms

garden friday 04 27 12
blueberries in the works

garden friday 04 27 12
'hauer pippin' apple is getting its season started. it's my latest bloomer by far.

garden friday 04 27 12
'bearss lime' blossoms

garden friday 04 27 12
'lisbon lemon' blossoms

garden friday 04 27 12
wee baby meyer lemons

garden friday 04 27 12
our neighbor's energetic 'cecil brunner' climbing rose. such a pretty borrowed view.

garden friday 04 27 12
more 'cecil brunner'

garden friday 04 27 12
pretty, pretty 'cecil'

garden friday 04 27 12
my own 'aromatherapy' rose. despite its somewhat tacky pink color, the scent is HEAVENLY. Today, I made homemade rosewater with two of these blooms.

garden friday 04 27 12
'aromatherapy' rose

garden friday 04 27 12
and, finally... from the files of the life and times of the youngest garden helper. in a recent fit of "I'm sick of being out here MOM!", he clipped off this succulent's ONLY flower spike (look how pretty last year's was!). I was bummed, but... he's three. To my surprise, the clever plant gave it another go. Flower Spike, take two!

Well, that's the haps from this garden! Hope you had a lovely, sunny, peaceful, plant-iful weekend.

20 April 2012

garden friday | architectural interest

it's Day 1 of the playhouse build, and he's already starting with the 'no girls allowed' business. Sigh.

Project Playhouse, day 2


Day 3: no sun, but hints of a roof!

Assistant Jammie Man checks for level.

Day 3: finito! (minus a few details for another day)





Take one totally random, ancient, concrete, weed-filled box... clear it out... chop up some wood... zip in a few screws... et voila!... kid heaven! Jacky is now supreme overlord of the garden. Thanks to Handy Daddy.

It's an incredibly gorgeous, warm (hot?) day out today, with forecasts for more of the same. So, this brief update is about as long as I can manage in front of the computer :) Hope your weekend is lovely!

13 April 2012

garden friday | thunder and sun

On the morning news today, San Francisco's rainfall was at the top of the list, which never happens (thankfully, I guess). Nearly TWO inches in less than a day. Insane. Plus? A crazy, cracking thunderstorm that lasted for hours. They usually don't last long enough for me here in Northern California. I think my memories of San Diego's violent, seemingly house-splitting thunder are still really strong. And it seemed like there were thunderstorms there all the time. I guess I miss them. Guess I like 'em.

Today, the sun is out again. Project Playhouse is underway. The head builder and his apprentice are trying to co-exist with power tools and lumber long enough to get a big chunk of the structure complete today. Me, I bring tea and snacks and keep out of the way. I've already been put on notice that no girls (much less moms) will be admitted. Seriously, where do they learn this stuff? Is it tucked away in that Y chromosome? I just laugh. He's requested curtains, so I know I'll be admitted at least once :)

gf 041312
peas, trucks and chicken wire. a garden in transition.

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apple blossoms. I just love them.

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more 'Gravenstein' blossoms

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the next row of salads. accompanied by the ever-present arugula volunteer. to think I almost bought arugula seeds this year!

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borrowed beauty. every Spring, our neighbor's monster 'Cecil Brunner' rose blankets the fence with an avalanche of delicate pink blooms. it's almost time.

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and what's this? oh, only one of my favorite non-edibles. if it flowers, i'll die happy.

Have a beautiful weekend!
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